Our teacher is Miss Everatt.
Organisational Information
Day | Homework | PE | Reading | Other |
Monday | Read at home Bring book & diary to school | Water bottle Healthy snack | ||
Tuesday | Read at home Bring book & diary to school Library visit | Water bottle Healthy snack Mrs Weston in class PM | ||
Wednesday | PE Lesson – Come to school in school PE Kit. | Read at home Bring book & diary to school | Water bottle Healthy snack | |
Thursday | Bring in CGP book | Read at home Bring book & diary to school | Water bottle Healthy snack | |
Friday | New homework sent out | Read at home Bring book & diary to school | Water bottle Healthy snack Weekly reads counted in reading diary |
Key Dates For Our Class This Term
Week | Event |
6/6/22 | RE Monday 6th June – Return to school. School starts at 8:40 |
13/6/22 | RE Monday 13th June – School Photographs |
20/6/22 | Music Wednesday 23rd June to Thursday 24th June – Rand Farm Residential |
27/6/22 | Science |
4/7/22 | PSHE |
11/7/22 | Music |
18/7/22 | PSHE |
25/7/22 | Wednesday 27th July – Last day of term. |
Welcome To Our Class
Welcome to Ash class! We are an independent and caring class who love to learn and have fun. On our class page, you will find lots of useful information about our class.
Term: Summer 2
Themed learning: Is this a wonderful world?
Week 1 and 2: RE
To retell some religious stories with key characters such as Noah, Abraham and Sarah, Jacob, Joseph, King David, Queen Esther, Jonah, Daniel and suggest reasons why they are important to Jewish people and Christians.
To think about the behaviour shown by these characters e.g. being trustworthy, courageous, persistent, overcoming obstacles, forgiving and explore some of these characteristics creatively.
To ask and find out about from where these stories come (The Torah, the Jewish Bible, called the Old Testament by Christians).
To find out about the Torah, its use in synagogues and the symbols which show it is sacred or holy.
To consider what is special about the Torah and respond sensitively, relating to their special things.
To write an account of their favourite story from the Jewish Bible and suggest what it means to Jewish people and to anyone who likes stories.
Week 3: Music
To begin to create a sequence of different sounds, varying pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo and timbre to accompany the changing moods in a story.
To create simple melodies from 5 or more notes.
To choose appropriate dynamics, tempo and timbre for a piece of music.
Week 4: Science
To observe changes across the four seasons.
To observe how day length varies.
To observe and describe weather associated with the seasons.
Week 5: PSHE
To understand that babies become children and then adults.
To know the body parts, including agreed names for sexual parts.
To know the main functions of the body.
To understand that people can do different things according to age and development and that people grow from young to old.
To know the impact of bullying.
To know different things can affect my feelings.
To know how to make simple choices to improve my health and well-being.
Week 6: Music
To play short melodic patterns from letter notation.
To use letter or graphic notation to represent the details of their composition.
To perform expressively using dynamics and timbre to alter sounds.
To begin to suggest improvements in their own work.
Week 7: PSHE
To understand that babies become children and then adults.
To know the body parts, including agreed names for sexual parts.
To know the main functions of the body.
To understand that people can do different things according to age and development and that people grow from young to old.
To know the impact of bullying.
To know different things can affect my feelings.
To know how to make simple choices to improve my health and well-being.
- Thinkyouknow (advice from the National Crime Agency to stay safe online)
- Internet matters (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)
- Parent info (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)
- LGfL (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)
- Net-aware (support for parents and carers from the NSPCC)
Homework Attendance School Calendar School council