Elm Class

Our teacher is Miss Draper

Welcome To Our Class!

Elm Class is an amazing class to be part of. We have lots of exciting and new things to learn over the course of this year. We are a kind and caring class, who work hard and take pride in the work we produce!

Organisational Information

DayHomework PEReadingOther
Monday Read for a
minimum of 20
mins per day.
Read at home

Bring book & diary to school

Book change after 3+ reads
Bring water
Read for a
minimum of 20
mins per day.

Read at home

Bring book & diary to school

Book change after 3+ reads
Bring water
Read for a
minimum of 20
mins per day.

Read at home

Bring book & diary to school

Book change after 3+ reads
Bring water
Thursday Read for a
minimum of 20
mins per day.

Home Learning hand in
Come to school
in outdoor PE kit;
white t-shirt, black/
navy shorts or trousers
and a black/ navy jacket or jumper (no logos)

Read at home

Bring book & diary to school

Book change after 3+ reads
Bring water
Friday Read for a
minimum of 20
mins per day.

Home Learning handed out

Read at home

Bring book & diary to school

Book change after 3+ reads
Bring water

Key Dates For Our Class This Term – Summer 2

Week 1
Monday 3rd: Return to School
Week 2
Monday 10th: YMCA PE enrichment activity day (morning)
PM visit Newark college.
Tuesday 11th: Class photo.
Week 3
Week 4
Year 2 SATs all week.
Week 5
Monday 1st – Tuesday 2nd: Rand Farm
Week 6
Friday 12th: Reports to Parents
Week 7
Monday 15th: Transition morning – Meet your new teacher.
Wednesday 17th: Sport day
Week 8
Monday 22nd: Award ceremony at Newark Parish Church
Wednesday 24th: Break up for Summer Holidays

What’s coming up this term?

Welcome To Our Class.

We hope you all had a lovely half term break and enjoyed the sunshine! We are working hard and challenging ourselves in our journey through Year 2. We try our best in everything we do and cannot wait to continue with our Summer term journey.

Summer Term 2

Term Summer 2

Theme – Isn’t It A Wonderful World?

Week 1: RE
I will know what different Christians do to express their beliefs.

I will know what different Christians do to express their beliefs.

I will know what different Christians do to express their beliefs.

Week 2: Science
I will know four signs of summer.

I will know that some hours of the day are dark and others are light. 

 I will know how to describe the weather in summer.

I will work scientifically – recording 

Week 3: Music
I will know how to begin to create a sequence of different sounds, varying pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo and timbre to accompany the changing moods in a story.

I will know how to create simple melodies from 5 or more notes. 

I will know how to choose appropriate dynamics, tempo and timbre for a piece of music.

Week 4: RE

I will know that Christians celebrate a number of festivals including Christmas and different examples of how Christians celebrate Christmas.

I will know that Christians celebrate a number of festivals including Easter and different examples of how Christians celebrate Easter.

I will know that Christians celebrate a number of festivals including Pentecost and know some different examples of how Christians celebrate Pentecost.

Week 5: PSHE

I will understand that babies become children and adults.

I will know the body parts, including the agreed names for sexual parts.

I will know the main functions of the body.

Week 6: Music

I will know how to use letter or graphic notation to represent the details of their composition

I will know how to begin to suggest improvements in their own work.

I will know how to perform expressively using dynamics and timbre to alter sounds.

I will know how to play short melodic patterns from letter notation.

Week 7: PSHE

I will understand that people can do different things according to age and development and that people grow from young to old.

I will know the impact of bullying.

My Happy Mind

Below is a link which will take you to the ‘myhappymind’ parent app. This app allows you to complete activities with your child/children, which can help you in supporting their mental health and wellbeing. Feel free to use this resource as and when you feel it would be beneficial.

To understand that all families are different and have different family members.

Online safety

Thinkyouknow (advice from the National Crime Agency to stay safe online)

Internet matters (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)

Parent info (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)

LGfL (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)

Net-aware (support for parents and carers from the NSPCC)

Homework Attendance School Calendar School council