Fir Class

Our teacher is Miss Pepper.

Welcome To Our Class!

Fir is an amazing class to be part of. We have lots of exciting and new things to learn over the year. We are a respectful and hard-working class, who take pride in our work and have lots of fun!

Organisational Information

DayHomework PEReadingOther
Monday Read for a
minimum of 20
mins at home.

Read at home.
Bring in AR reading book and diary.
Bring in water bottle
TuesdayRead for a
minimum of 20
mins at home.

PE Kit

Read at home.
Bring in AR reading book and diary.
Bring in water bottle
WednesdayRead for a
minimum of 20
mins at home.

Read at home.
Bring in AR reading book and diary.
Bring in water bottle
ThursdayRead for a
minimum of 20
mins at home.

Hand in Home
Learning – CGP/Sumdog.

Read at home.
Bring in AR reading book and diary.
Bring in water bottle
FridayRead for a
minimum of 20
mins at home.

Home Learning
set – CGP/Sumdog.

Read at home.
Bring in AR reading book and diary

Weekly reads counted.
Bring in water bottle

Key Dates For Our Class This Term

WeekThemes and events
15/04/24Geography Theme
22/04/24RE Theme
29/04/24Geography Theme
06/05/24Science Theme
13/05/24Geography Theme
20/05/24RE Theme

Summer 1

Topic: Is it a Wonderful World?

Geography Week 1 –

I will know the physical features of a mountain using the example of Mount Everest.

I will know how to name and locate the highest peaks in the UK using an OS map.

I will know how mountains are formed using my knowledge of plate tectonics.

RE Week 2 –

To know the impact of the fall in the creation story for Christians.

To know Christians believe in One God; the trinity.

To know icons are visual representations for Christians to understand God.

To know the qualities that Christians see in God.

Geography Week 3 –

I will know the differences between the British Isles, Great Britain and the United Kingdom using a knowledge organiser.

I will know what the terms ‘European Union’ and ‘Europe’ means using political maps.

I will know how to identify the main trade and economy of France using data.

Science Week 4 –

I will identify and name living things found in my local environment.

I will know that environments can change over time. 

I will know that some environmental changes pose dangers to living things.

Geography Week 5 –

I will know how to locate the Alps using the index of an atlas.

I will know how the human and physical features of Chamonix make it a successful ski resort using data, photos and maps.

I will know about how global warming is affecting Chamonix using data, photos and maps.

RE Week 6 


  • Thinkyouknow (advice from the National Crime Agency to stay safe online)
  • Internet matters (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)
  • Parent info (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)
  • LGfL (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)
  • Net-aware (support for parents and carers from the NSPCC)

Homework Attendance School Calendar School council