Our teacher is Miss Pepper.
Welcome To Our Class!
Fir is an amazing class to be part of. We have lots of exciting and new things to learn over the year. We are a respectful and hard-working class, who take pride in our work and have lots of fun!
Organisational Information
Day | Homework | PE | Reading | Other |
Monday | Read for a minimum of 20 mins at home. | Read at home. Bring in AR reading book and diary. | Bring in water bottle | |
Tuesday | Read for a minimum of 20 mins at home. | Swimming 10th September – 11th February 1:50-3:25pm | Read at home. Bring in AR reading book and diary. | Bring in water bottle |
Wednesday | Read for a minimum of 20 mins at home. | Read at home. Bring in AR reading book and diary. | Bring in water bottle | |
Thursday | Read for a minimum of 20 mins at home. Hand in Home Learning – CGP/Sumdog. | Read at home. Bring in AR reading book and diary. | Bring in water bottle | |
Friday | Read for a minimum of 20 mins at home. Home Learning set – CGP/Sumdog. | Read at home. Bring in AR reading book and diary | Weekly reads counted. Bring in water bottle |
Home Learning
Year 4 –
Maths – SUMDOG x table check, (https://sumdog.com/user/sign_in)
SPaG – SUMDOG (https://sumdog.com/user/sign_in)
Reading – Quizzing for Accelerated Reader
Key Dates For Our Class This Term
Week | Themes and events |
04/09/24 | Art Theme |
09/09/24 | DT Theme |
16/09/24 | Science Theme |
23/09/24 | DT Theme |
30/09/24 | Music Theme |
07/10/24 | DT Theme |
14/10/24 | PSHE Theme |
Autumn 1
Theme: Can you run a restaurant?
I the artist can experiment with several different version of my art work.
To investigate and analyse a range of existing products – breads
To investigate and analyse a range of existing products – spread
To understand the product’s ingredients and their purposes
I will know that humans get nutrition from what they eat.
I will know the role of the skeleton.
I will know the role of the muscles.
To know how to be hygienic and safe
To understand the principles of a healthy and varied diet
To design a product that meets a design brief
To design a step-by-step plan to create a product
To be able to identify features in the music and practice moving to the beat
To be able to move and sing in time together, in a Gospel style with expression and dynamic.
To refine singing by paying attention to the rhythm and phrasing, annunciating the words.
To play bass notes and a rhythm ostinato with the backing track.
To improvise on the notes of the pentatonic scale using the voice and instruments.
To be able to improvise on tuned percussion instruments using the pentatonic scale.
To measure with increased accuracy
To use a range of tools and equipment
To make a final product that meets the design brief
To measure with increased accuracy
To use a range of tools and equipment
To make a final product that meets the design brief
To evaluate the final product
To understand how to take increasing responsibility for my own choices, behaviour and safety and realise that actions have consequences.
To begin to understand some of the influences on my personal choices in relation to smoking or other substances and the consequences of those choices.
To know some strategies to cope with peer influence and peer pressure and be able to apply these to a range of scenarios, including substances.
- Thinkyouknow (advice from the National Crime Agency to stay safe online)
- Internet matters (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)
- Parent info (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)
- LGfL (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)
- Net-aware (support for parents and carers from the NSPCC)