
Our teachers are Mrs Weston and Mr Ward, supported by teaching assistant, Miss Groves.

Welcome To Our Class

Acorns is a wonderful class to be part of. All the staff are committed to ensure children get the very best start to their journey of learning.

Organisational Information

MondayRead at home.
Bring in your named water bottle.
TuesdayRead at home.
Bring in your Bishop’s Bedtime Book to change.
Bring in your named water bottle.
WednesdayRead at home.
Bring in your named water bottle.
ThursdayRead at home.
Bring in CGP book.
Bring in your named water bottle.
FridayRead at home.
Homework sent out.
Bring in your named water bottle.

Key Dates For Our Class This Term

Week CommencingThemes and Events
2nd September4th September – Return to school
Art theme
Book Launch
9th SeptemberD.T. theme
16th SeptemberScience theme
23rd SeptemberD.T. theme
30th SeptemberMusic theme
7th OctoberD.T. theme
14th OctoberPSHE theme

Autumn 1

Theme – Can you run a restaurant?

This term, we will be focusing our learning around the theme, ‘Can you run a restaurant?’, which has a D.T. focus. We will consider what it is to make healthy food and lifestyle choices, developing knowledge of food types and the benefits to the body of different groups.

Week 1 Art

Art Job- Print

  • I will create a print made by printing from different objects.

Week 2 – D.T.

Food technology

  • I will design and make a fruit salad.

Week 3 – Science

Biology – Healthy Humans

  • I will know I need to clean my hands before eating.

Week 4 – D.T.

Food technology

  • I will design and make a fruit salad.

Week 5 Music

Sing and Play, Improvise and Compose and Listen and Appraise

  • I will be able to tap in time with the beat and think about the feelings or emotions in the music.

Week 6 – D.T.

Food technology

  • I will design and make a fruit salad.

Week 7 – PSHE

Keeping healthy

  • I will know what exercise is.


  • Thinkyouknow (advice from the National Crime Agency to stay safe online)
  • Internet matters (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)
  • Parent info (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)
  • LGfL (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)
  • Net-aware (support for parents and carers from the NSPCC)

Homework Attendance School Calendar School council