Horse Chestnut

Welcome To Our Class

Welcome to Horse Chestnut class. We have lots of interesting and exciting things to learn about this year. Here you will find more information on what we are learning each term.

Organisational Information

Home Learning I need to complete… I will come in PE kit on… Everyday at school I will need…
Monday Read at home. Sign in diary.
Quiz on AR (if needed)
PE day Water bottle
Reading book & diary
Tuesday Read at home. Sign in diary.
Quiz on AR (if needed)
Water bottle
Reading book & diary
Wednesday Read at home. Sign diary.
Quiz on AR (if needed)
Water bottle
Reading book & diary
Thursday Read at home. Sign diary.
Home Learning due in
Quiz on AR (if needed)
Water bottle
Reading book & diary
Friday Read at home. Sign diary.
Quiz on AR (if needed)
Home Learning set:
– Maths
– Times tables
– SPaG
Water bottle
Reading book & diary

Home Learning Links.

Logins & QR Codes can be located in the front of reading diaries.

Maths – SUMDOG (


Reading – Quizzing for Accelerated Reader

Key dates for our class this term

Week Commencing Theme Learning Events
02.09.2024 RE theme Schools starts – 04.09.2024
09.09.2024 Music theme
16.09.2024 Science theme
23.09.2024 PSHE theme
30.09.2024 RE theme
07.10.2024 Music theme
14.10.2024 PSHE theme Restaurant Theme Outcome – 17.10.2014
Parent Celebration Assembly – 18.10.2024
Last day of term – 18.10.2024

Autumn Term

Theme: Can You Run A Restaurant?

Week 1 – Art
I the artist can show the influence of other art on my work
I the artist, know how to manipulate, using filters, contrast etc. and adding text to a photograph
I the artist, know how create sets and capture motion with photography
I the artist, can create an image to a brief and use software and camera skills to trick the eye

Week 2 – DT
To understand a range of special diets and their requirements
To investigate and analyse a range of existing products
To explain how products should be stored, with reasons
To understand and apply the principles of a healthy and varied diet

Week 3 – Science
I will know the impact of diet on the way the body functions
I will know the impact of exercise on the way the body functions
I will know the impact of lifestyle on the way the body functions

Week 4 – DT
To design dishes that can be served and meet the design brief – 3 options
To design a final dish to be served including a labelled diagram, list of ingredients, method and equipment needed that meets the design brief
To design a step-by-step plan to create a product

Week 5 – Music
To be able to sing a sea shanty expressively and with a strong beat
To learn a cup rhythm game, keeping to the beat of the song
To practice cup rhythm and sing an arrangement
To create body percussion patterns to accompany a sea shanty
To create accompaniments with bass notes and chords
To perform “What shall we do with a drunken sailor”

Week 6 – DT
To check that measurements are accurate enough to ensure everything is precise
To use a range of tools and equipment expertly
To make a final product that meets the design brief
To evaluate the final product

Week 7 – PSHE
To understand when peers are generally vulnerable
To understand influence, persuasion, manipulation and the power of charisma
To understand and challenge stereotypes
To know where to find impartial advice to inform my decision making


  • Thinkyouknow (advice from the National Crime Agency to stay safe online)
  • Internet matters (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)
  • Parent info (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)
  • LGfL (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)
  • Net-aware (support for parents and carers from the NSPCC)

Homework Attendance School Calendar School council